Monday, April 16, 2018

Google Ad Words Certification for Internet Marketing Professionals

Mike Boudet is an internet marketing professional with over 20 years of experience. Much of his work is devoted to PPC marketing initiatives and evaluating their effectiveness. Like others in the same line of work, Mike Boudet earned Google Ad Words certification.

Google Ad Words certification is a program provided by Google, Inc., to measure a person’s proficiency with the Google Ad Words program. Ad Words was developed in 2000 and has seen various updates to its policies over the years to stay up to date with the latest user trends on the web. 

Essentially, Google Ad Words displays custom advertisements for companies. In order to become Ad Words certified through Google, one must complete courses through the company’s Academy for Ads, an online training program. Those who want to earn Google Ad Words certification must pass the Ad Words Fundamentals assessment and one additional assessment, such as mobile advertising or search advertising. 

Visit to learn more about the Google Ad Words certification program.